How to check Moissanite Authenticity
A lot of brands market their moissanite jewellery using words like "
Fake GRA" and "
Real GRA". In reality there is no fake or real GRA.
2 Popular website to check moissanite authenticity are -
1. (For Hong-Kong origin diamonds)
2. (For NYC origin diamonds)
The easiest and quickest method of determining the credibility of a GRA moissanite report is to cross-check the report with the Gemological Research Association. A majority of the genuine reports are assigned a special reference number which can be confirmed that it is GRA certified on their website . Here’s how:
Locate the Report Number: The serial numbering system is an important one and every GRA report should have its own serial number. That is usually placed on the right hand top corner of the certificate.
Visit the GRA Website: Open the website mentioned above QR on the certificate and go to the report verification page section.
Input the Report Number: To execute the stronger verification of the GRA report, input the serial number in the verification tool.
Match the Details: If the report is real, you should have all the information provided in the website on your physical or digital report. This may consist of the type of gemstone, the carat weight and the grading detail or otherwise.
If it's GRA certified meaning it is a real deal or if the serial number doesn’t work or if it fails to show the details or any specific report is not what is provided, then it might be an imitation.
We are the frist brand to provide dual cerrification, GRA and INGEMCO (Verify your INGEMCO REPORT HERE, both these testing labs